[MR] Herndon, VA / Dulles Airport - NSTR

Julia Windsor scawindsor1 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 18 19:57:52 PDT 2004

I never ceases to amaze me how many people ignor the warnings about driving on flooded roads. Every time we have any sort of a storm here, even the quick summer downpours, the weathercasters stress the "don't drive on flooded roads" advice. I don't get it, what part of "stay off flooded roads" don't people understand?
(who will extremely happy when this hurricane season ends)

CamerHend at aol.com wrote:
Even though the weather channel is saying that Ivan damaged only places in 
the south,,,,

Here in Northern VA, the damage from the tornadoes that sprouted from the 
storm is
noticible. No reports of any major injuries, but, here in Steirbach and 
parts of Ponte Alto
(Stafford and Prince William counties), there is a fair amount of damage to 
Several tornadoes did touch down, skipping over one house, and destroying 
the next.

Having worked in the 911 center throughout and after the storm, we received 
mostly "tree into house" calls, and the "I thought I could drive my little 
bitty car through the flooded road, now I'm trapped" calls.

The important thing is, no one was hurt, and hopefully just a few more 
people learned to pay attention to those annoying little tone alerts on the tv and 

The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
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Baroness Julia Windsor
- Argent, a portcullis and chief embattled azure
GoA, Order of the Kittyhawk, Order of the Boreas
Pursuivant At-Large

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