[MR] Title Stacking

EoganOg at aol.com EoganOg at aol.com
Sun Sep 15 04:55:51 PDT 2002

To add to what Logan has already said, yes, title stacking is a Bad Thing 
(tm) .(I mean, how many times have you read of a Lord Duke Baron in a history 
book, even if the person were a Lord, a Duke, and a Baron?)  And in general, 
yes, you would use your highest title and leave it at that.

However, should a person choose to be called by an earned title that is not 
the highest he or she possesses, that is fine, too.  It truly is a personal 
preference.  If Duke Cuan decides that he would rather go by Master Cuan (or 
even Lord Cuan), that is up to him.  

If a court Baron is awarded a Laurel but he really really likes the title 
"Baron" then he can choose to still call himself Baron Big-britches, OL (for 
Order of the Laurel).

And, on another note, I think "Duke Master C" would be a good name should 
Cuan chose to persue a rap career.

Sacred Stone Persuivant
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