[MR] Fw: Pre pennsic authorization problems mostly resolved

adamspf at comcast.net adamspf at comcast.net
Tue Sep 3 12:25:49 PDT 2002

Marshals, Seneshals,

Just to let you know how the pre pennsic authorization problems worked out, here is a rough overview.

15 were fixed by marshals contacting us with correct roster information, or warranted marshals who also witnessed the authorization signing the forms.

6 are still pending, and Falcone is administratively signing the cards for those folks (one at least is a combat archery auth)

The minor authorization which lacked notarization (possibly due to the use of a superceded form) was not upheld, and the individual simply decided to wait for the 18th birthday, not all that long away.

I would like to thank all of you who helped resolve these problem authorizations, either by updating roster information, finding others who witnessed, or the like.  Some Marshals are still missing from the roster, or are incorrectly on the MIT roster still.  If you believe you are a warranted (rostered) marshal, and have not already done so, please check the roster on at http://marshal.atlantia.sca.org/Roster/RosterIndex.html and insure that your information is correct. 
Seneschals, please backstop your marshal and your group and take time to do this as well.

Thanks again for the fixes,
Badouin Mackenzie
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