[MR] newbie

CountessMENG at aol.com CountessMENG at aol.com
Wed Sep 4 08:32:24 PDT 2002

I have to say, I too was sad when I found out that I could not reach you at 
the e-mail from which you posted! I wrote you a really long e-mail then hit 
send..and found out that the e-mail would not work.
I would love to chat with you , but thought you might want to hear what I had 
to say  personally, rather than broadcasted to the world.
Suffice it to say, I am so sorry that you had that experience, and 
sadly,...like Karen said, sometimes if you look like you have been around 
forever, people assume that you have and may not approach you. I have had the 
same experience before and have just marched up to people and made friends 
Good luck and feel free to contact me if you want to talk.

Countess Mary Grace of Gatland

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