[MR] Re: newbie

ThistleDragon at aol.com ThistleDragon at aol.com
Tue Sep 3 12:13:35 PDT 2002

      First and foremost a round of "Vivats" to thier Highnesses and other 
gentle Scadians for such kind and thoughtful words.  I did not write that 
paragragh but I do empathize with it. I have been in the society for 12 years 
and lived in many kingdoms and found that it is hard being the "newbie" in a 
group, you run into a lot of clicks peole who really don't want to talk and 
so on and so forth. So the solution I find is to get involved with things 
anyways. Volunteering is a great way to meet really good people it puts you 
out there.

  I moved here last year from Trimaris and one of the first events I attended 
was Windmasters' Hill Baronail Champion. Well of course my lord and I knew no 
one so we voluteered in the kitchen, and meet one of the most coolest 
scadians I have ever run across. That would be the current senechal of 
Windmaster's Hill, Idonea(SP) before she was senechal!  Because of her, I am 
coming to coronation with 9 newbies!

   If we could all remember that it's ok to greet each and smile and talk no 
matter what hat your wearing it would be a better society. So again I say 
"Vivat Vivat Vivat" to the wonderful people on this list and in this kingdom.

Lady Annadorla
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