[MR] Call for Comments

David W. James vnend at adelphia.net
Thu Sep 5 18:44:46 PDT 2002

On Thursday, September 5, 2002, at 08:00 PM, Becky McEllistrem wrote:
> It seems to me his majesty carefully explained
> anything other than individual comment could so easily
> become a popularity contents.

> It wasn't a very old discussion.  I believe it
> happened in the last 6 months.

> Rebecca

	March or April sounds about right.  Might have been May.  If you go to 
the web archive and check those months you should find it.

	His Majesty presented his opinion that some formats could become 
popularity contests, but in no way proved that all non-single lists had to 
be.  For example, it is hard to see how a Crown with two person teams would 

	Or one with 5 member teams (no more than two members of the Chivalry per 
team) until there there are only 2/3/4 teams left, then the Captain's of 
the teams fight single combat to decide the winner.

	Or... well, you get the idea.  There are lots of potential formats that 
don't share the 'popularity contest' flaw.  Lots of them that do too.  But 
then there are some great (not to mention less obviously modern) formats 
besides double-elim for single combat too, but that's what is written into 
Kingdom law.

	The Board is requesting commentary on this proposal.  Please consider it 
and give them your thoughts.  There was considerable agitation at the table 
(both officers and Board members) to make the change they proposed last 
time (only single combat allowed in Crown lists.)  It was the commentary 
that they received that caused the Board to *not* implement that change as 
worded.  It was pointed out at the meeting that this variation addressed 
many of the concerns while leaving some avenue for experimentation and 

	Personally, I suspect that A) it will not be used very often (look at 
how many times we've had them to date, and it has been legal all this time)
  and B) such a request's chance of getting approved by the Board is only 
slightly better than the proverbial snowball's.  Very slightly.


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