[Archers] Target Archery at War of the Wings

Megan Ladd mladd28 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 09:56:54 PDT 2018

Good afternoon archers!

Now that Pennsic is past, War of the Wings is quickly approaching. As MiC
of Target Archery this year, I have put together a sign up sheet for
marshal shifts. If you plan to attend the event and would like to assist by
marshaling a shift or two, it would be greatly appreciated. The link to the
sign up sheet is here:

The range will be located in the same place as last year, however there
will be some improvements made to land - brush and trees will be cleared
and a new road built in order to expand the range and allow for easier

We will also have a clout this year! I have arranged access to the "town"
located on the heavy field on Friday and Saturday mornings so that archers
can shoot before the field opens for fighting.

Below you can see the official write up for war points and target stations
this year, to fit the theme of the event:

Theme: War of the Roses featuring friend/foe targets, red versus white

Archery War Points
-Clout - can only be shot once
-Timed - can be shot three times
-Static - can be shot three times

The Clout Shoot will be set up in the “town” on the heavy field, 9-10am
Friday and Saturday mornings. Archers will fire 12 arrows each from four
walk-up stations (3 arrows per station) into the town and attempt to hit
the target within the center of the main building.

The Timed Shoot will be a window shoot with 30 seconds to shoot as many
arrows or bolts as possible. There will be a window with six ground targets
on the other side. Archers will shoot for their side, aiming through the
castle window at the army of Yorks and Lancasters - depicted as red and
white roses - below.

The Static Shoot will be a target shoot with six arrows per archer. Archers
will shoot for their side, aiming through certain obstacles in front of the
target, and attempt to hit the target on the other side. Target will be a
friend/foe depicting a Lancaster and a York engaged in combat.

In addition to War Points, Lord Mungo and Lady Sarah have generously
offered to host their Night Shoot on Thursday, while Lord Naran will be
hosting his Period Shoot on Friday.

Please stay tuned for additional details and announcements regarding the
range. In the meantime, if you have any questions at all please feel free
to email me at mladd28[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Yours in Service,

Lady Margaret Lad
Kingdom of Atlantia

Gyronny of six purpure and argent, a tree blasted and
eradicated sable between three mullets of seven points purpure.
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