[Archers] St. Sebastians III?????

dconrad at comporium.net dconrad at comporium.net
Mon Nov 5 05:34:23 PST 2012

I like the idea of a "sash" worn on the arm and not just for St Sebastians!  I was never able to shoot in my Midrealm tabard and ended up wearing it folded and tucked into my belt at the back.  I finally made what I called my "tail"...a narrow sash with the three pheons on the red pale that I wore on my belt when I was shooting.  The "arm sash" would solve that problem and identify Marshals as well.  But it should be Atlantian blue, perhaps with the "Spike holding arrows" that was talked about as an archery marshal device earlier.  It would designate us as both Marshals and Atlantians!


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