[Archers] St. Sebastians III?????

Garth Groff ggg9y at virginia.edu
Mon Nov 5 04:08:21 PST 2012

Noble Friends of the Bow,

I'm not comfortable with the notion of having one marshal cover several 
targets. From my experience last year, some people needed help 
understanding the rules (not that they were all that badly stated at 
Pennsic). We also had a problem of overlapping safety zones, with some 
people wanting to retrieve arrows before shooting had stopped at the 
adjacent target. Finally, there were beginners and youngsters who did 
not fully understand the safety rules (as an example from the recent 
Chalice shoot, I stopped a young man who was behind the shooting line 
and was about to loose an arrow over the head of someone in front of 
him). I would still like to see one marshal per target, unless we 
organize the shooters into teams under the direction of a traveling 
marshal, which probably wouldn't work for so big a shoot with people 
wanting to join all day. Why weren't there more marshals from the other 
kingdoms? Just because we sponsor the shoot, other marshals should still 
make themselves available.

Perhaps it would help to limit the range to 12 targets instead of 14. We 
could increase the number of arrows at each target, so as not to 
"cheapen" our product.

Yours Aye,

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