[Archers] Period Targets - was: Re: Archers Digest, Vol 101, Issue 30

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Thu Feb 16 13:06:43 PST 2012

Seamus wrote:
> And for our targets, me the worst offender of
> late with Cartoons, don't make period shoots. 

Well and there's a good reason for that.  I've run events with
completely period targets/shoots.

They, ummm, don't go over too well, because in the end, most period
targets (with very fun late period exceptions, like popnjay's), are
really rather boring.  You really just have to be into shooting for
shooting's sake.  (Which, ok, yeah, a bunch of us are *grin*),  But for
average joe, they kinda suck:

"Let's see how many times we can hit a stick 100yds away"?
"Let's see who gets the most arrows in this circle of vines"


Similar to how our earlier brethren were happy to go outside and play
with a stick and hoop for HOURS as a kid.  And today's kids are playing
Skyrim & Call of Duty.   We've come to expect more excitement.  And so
we design shoots that include that.

Of course, in period a lot of the 'excitement' of shooting, came from
things we can't easily replicate in our modern society, such as Hunts,
or Live Combat.  Without making 'fun modern targets', that simulate this
excitement.  Wolves that run, clay pigeons to pretend to be birds,
cardboard men, etc.

This is in contrast to, say, Rapier or Armored combat.  Where the core
activity is thrilling in it's own regard.  one-on-one combat with your
'life' on the line.   With archery the core activity (standing there
pulling a string and letting go), isn't the excitement.  It's what you
are shooting at, that can provide that.

More observations,

Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/

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