[Archers] Crossbows

John Atkins cogworks at triad.rr.com
Mon Jun 27 07:24:37 PDT 2011

"Besides, no one takes YOU seriously, let alone your stubby arrow
comments ;)"
Phew!  That's good to know.  So I can just blather on and everyone will
just shake their heads and ignore me.  Cool.  Good to know I have such
little influence and am NOT being watched!  
(Now this is the fun we should be having instead of sucking sour grapes
because some person using a kiddies sideways bow beat us in a contest of
In all fairness I need to point out that, as I have said, a longbow,
recurve or horse bow is my weapon of choice.  However, being more than
mildly obsessed with archery I also have some 6 crossbows hanging in my
garage.  They are remnants from my delusional days as a combat archer.
Johnathas challenged me to his soda bottle HORSE shot using a weapon
neither of us had scored RR scores with.  Not using the crossbow, that
was my chosen weapon and thusly armed I answered the challenge after
dusting off the otherwise useless to me weapon.  As no one really
listens nor pays attention, and previously authorized by Johnathas
himself, I feel compelled to point out that not only did I win the
challenge I did so convincingly with a score about one half of
Johnathas'.  AND the challenge was to shoot at a soda bottle.  I
mis-read the rules and choose to shoot at a soda CAN instead and still
garnered the score one half that of Johnathas!  Thus the reason Dun Tyr,
a fighting household in Trimaris with whom Lady E and I used to run
during the battles at Gulf Wars, does lament that we no longer play as
combat archers.  "See that knight/crown/baron?  Take him out."  We were
obedient and accurate combat archers and the crossbow was our weapon of

-----Original Message-----
From: james.kriebel at gmail.com [mailto:james.kriebel at gmail.com] On Behalf
Of Jonathas
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 9:38 AM
To: John Atkins
Subject: Re: [Archers] Crossbows

Now worrys Cog, I overheard many comments on Saturday long before the
finals even started.  I probably started it by responding to a comment
heard at the event Saturday which was then later posted to a non-archery

Seriously though, not sure why this year the commentary took such a
turn.  Even Esperanza asked me about it about half way through the day,
if I had noticed the change.  For some reason "cheater" was being rolled
out from odd sources.


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