[Archers] New rule

John Atkins cogworks at triad.rr.com
Sun Mar 21 10:04:27 PDT 2010

Siegfried and others,
It is not my intent to be obtuse nor dis the efforts of any involved in
this new rule.  I was present at the event that precipitated this new
rule and am in full agreement that it was a very unsafe condition and,
as noted on this list, had the errant arrow actually hit someone this
whole discussion would be mote as archery in Atlantia would cease to
exist!  I remain in disagreement that this rule will solve the core
issue of why that accident occurred but that is an entirely different
matter for discussion.

However what my main point is that the rule as it stands is not clear.
It is clear to those of us that are on this list and have been involved
in the discussion or at least reading it.  However, I'm to give an
archery MIT class at SAAD.  The attendees of that class that are not
current warranted archery marshals have not been privy to these
"explainations" forth coming on this list.  I realize it is my
responsibility as the class instructor to pass on these pearls however I
still think having conflicting rules in the Acorn and the kindgom web
page only add to the confusion.  A few simple additional words to the
rules as they exist would eliminate this confusion, then have the same
set of rules in the Acorn and web site would solve the problem.
Otherwise we have a word of mouth situation and ultimately that will
lead to unsafe conditions.

Life is simple and so are the solutions.  All I'm saying is let's get it
right and do it right!

Christophe of Grey

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