[Archers] Specifically, the 'written exception' rule

Siegfried siegfried at crossbows.biz
Sat Mar 6 02:55:57 PST 2010

> btw, would any of you let me stand ten feet to the left of your line
> and ten feet in front of it?  Am I reading these rules wrong, or would
> that be allowed?

Geoffrey, this again falls under the category of the 'two-stage' safety
that I began this discussion with.

We as Target Archery Marshals are acutely aware of the danger of our
weapons.  But also that the only way we could be 100% safe, is to have a
single archer with a 200yd radius around him.

That however is simply not workable.

At any point in time, an archer could do something bad, on purpose,
without thinking, via distraction, etc.   Launch ammo at 45 degrees up,
turn around and release, whatever.

It is our job as marshals to monitor this.  To take everything into
account, to watch.

So, like with modern gun safety, we mitigate the risks to the 99.9% BUT
we also don't do things that might have extra risk.

So, the safety zone, being designed as a layout tool, to ensure safe
ranges, where 99.999% (insert a few more 9s) of all arrows fired are
going to fall into the safety zone.  That's why we set it up afterall.

But always knowing that ''something'' happen, we will take extra safety
precautions.   Like stopping shooting if someone is downrange, even
outside of the safety zone.  Cause, why take the chance?  It's easy
enough to stop shooting.   Or stopping if someone walks in front of the
shooting line, even if over to the side where they are still out of the
safety zone.

Again, because why take any extra risk?

So to your answer:  Would I allow you to stand 10ft over and 10ft in
front?  Which yes, is outside of the 30degree arc required AT MINIMUM
for safety?

Yes, I would, and have.  In specific situations, where it was a
controlled environment, and everyone knew what was going on, and I
didn't have any newbies on the shooting line, and I knew that person at
10ft/10ft wasn't going to move closer to the safety line.

(The usual 'extra risk' quotient is worrying about the person moving
INTO the safety zone)

But, in general, if someone were to step up in front of my shooting
line, 10ft over and 10ft up, without it being a planned exercise.  I'm
stopping shooting instantly and asking them kindly to please step back.

In Service,

Barun Siegfried Sebastian Faust - Barony of Highland Foorde - Atlantia
http://hf.atlantia.sca.org/ - http://crossbows.biz/ - http://eliw.com/

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