[Archers] Fletchers' Guild statement of purpose (for comments)

jmu1861 at aol.com jmu1861 at aol.com
Fri Apr 2 18:37:19 PDT 2010

I am all for a forum to trade information and research.  I am all for teaching the art anywhere we can.  I am all for keeping it informal.  (I hate the Atlantian tendency to over regulate fun.)  

I am not for using the group as a way to collect cookies.  Do this because you love it, not because you crave a pat on the back.  For that matter, do everything in the SCA because you love it.  If you get a cookie, cool.  If not, you gained knowledge, satisfaction and had a good time.  If all you are after are awards, then you miss the whole point of the SCA and all of the fun.  If this is not fun, then why in the heck are we doing it?

Having this collection of like minded folks is a great resource.  I spent a heck of a lot of time trying to document footed shafts as "period".  With this kind of group, we have a place to come and ask what research everyone else has found on a subject.  At last I found documentation and they are, at least for non war arrows.  Naturally, I would love to find earlier research and more of it.

Keeping this on the archers list seems like a good idea as I would suspect most everyone here has made arrows and is interested in them.  After all, without arrows we are out of business.  Also, a good archer needs to know a great deal about arrows to optimize his performance.   

Geoffrey ~
(10 years to an AoA, 15 more to a GoA, nearly 30 to a Court Baroncy by the landed route, but I have had a heck of a lot of fun and learned a boat load of things.)

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