[Archers] Sponsored Shoot at Pennsic

Jonathas Jonathas at redfoxden.org
Tue Dec 2 06:07:40 PST 2008

All good suggestions! Keep the conversation rolling!

The original idea was taking the concept of the Lochmere Arrow shoot to the
Society level and allow ALL the kingdoms to compete against one another not
just Mid vs East.  As well as not let it become an elitist shoot as the
Masters has become.  I remember back when I first got into archery, I was
mad when "they" closed the *entire* range *just* for a couple people to
shoot, out of the 10,000 there 30 got to play.  At least back then "they"
left the shoot up for the minions to go shoot at it once "they" were done.

What about working Cog's suggestion in.  Split the prize, the best
team/kingdom over all chooses where 25% of the donation goes, then have 5
ranks determined by one of the targets and the winner of each chooses the
donation of 15%?  Figuring that the top team will also be in one of the 5
ranks so the "big" prize becomes 40% with the remaining 4 ranks getting 15%
each. Remember the real prize is having a fun shoot to play with for a
change, and for those competive shooters there is also a prize of sorts to

The idea of limiting an archer to shooting *competitively* on only one team
is a good one, though they may come back through and shoot again for fun if
they so desire.  I'd take it a step further and say they may only be
competitive on their first run through, no practice runs with the second
time being for a competitive team.

So a revised set of rules might be:

Teams of 3 archers
A) All from the same kingdom
B) 1 Crossbow, 1 Period Bow, 1 Flat limb Bow per team (the first two per
Atlantian rules)
C) Must be the first pass at shooting for each archer

Rules A, B, or C may be broken, but then the team is just shooting for fun
though their score may still be recorded for other fun prizes.

As for marshals, why don't we only plan on holding the shoot for one day
this year.  Then if it is a success expand on it next year.  Northern
Atlantia is unique in the Marshal to Archer ratio we enjoy, may other places
only have one marshal for a fairly large area.  I don't think it would be a
good idea to expect each team to have a marshal to travel with it,
especially if this ends up a success like we hope it will be.  I think we
would be better off with a marshal at each target, plus a couple for bow
inspections/sign-in.  That way we have a fixed number needed and can
plan/sign-up accordingly.

>From the sounds of it there are already enough people willing to bring at
least one target up to put the shoot togeather.  Are there enough marshals
willing to sit range duty for half a day, plus setup/tear down time?

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