[Archers] Ludicrous Rank

Jonathas Jonathas at RedFoxDen.org
Tue Nov 21 05:54:36 PST 2006

On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:23:25 -0500 (GMT-05:00), lbudzier at mindspring.com wrote:

> Remember why we all shoot and play this game.

A hardy VIVOT to that!

I am truly sorry for causing this mess.  I added the Easter Egg (in programming terms) to our site when I started working with Aethelmearc on their site, as they have a couple Ludicrous Bowmen they *wanted* it.  I thought it would be a fun little surprise to the first person in our fair kingdom to break into that very elite rank.  At the time I began working on it I figured it would be Mika or Reynard who would get there, I only hinted to Siegfried that there was something there when it looked like he might be the lucky one.

Remember the ranks are supposed to make archery fun, to give each person something to strive to achieve, and the Ludicrous rank is *supposed* to be silly and, well… Ludicrous.  

Relax, have fun, and go shoot something!

In Service,

> Well spoken and thank you, Siegfried.
> Wow, all I have to ask all of you is this... what happened to the day when
> archery in the SCA was fun?  Before we all got lost in titles and ranks?  I
> personally remember when we all followed traditions and were content with
> the light-hearted friendly competitions.  I personally do not see where
> displaying an unofficial rank on an official web site could or would pose
> any problems in the future as long as it is stated as such (and with
> paisley it certainly is).
> critically, just trying to get people to remember and think why we are all
> here.
> In Service to the Dream-
> Feline'

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