[Archers] New Bow Classification (Period)

Bary Sears barysears at comcast.net
Mon Jan 24 02:01:35 PST 2005

Just me being picky - hand bows have the word 'legal' in their definitions,
why doesn't crossbow?  I'd have to check, but are all modern crossbows made
with a rifle stock?  Could you have a pistol grip and tripper on a period
crossbow?  There used to be a law (at least in the Outlands) that you could
use a modern crossbow as long as any cutouts were covered, to present a more
period look.  Never did see anyone do that, though.

I see the cross bow has the highest level of precedence. ;>}

It seems to me that period hand bows shouldn't have laminations that are
modern material (like fiberglass).

-----Original Message-----
From: archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:archers-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of Siegfried
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:17 PM
To: archers at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Archers] New Bow Classification (Period)

Greetings unto the target archery marshals of Atlantia.

At Unevent it was announced that a new 'Period Handbow' division would 
be created for the Royal Rounds (and the Seasonal Challenge).

I apologize for it taking so long to get back to the group with the 
wording for this; however it because obvious that it was a little hard 
to word and make everyone happy.

Therefore, I have included below the current wording for the distinction 
of the different bow classifications.  This is the current 'best 
wording' as has been discussed by a number of marshals and myself, well, 
to death.

Realize when reading these, that the intent of this Period Handbow 
category, is to hold bows of PERIODish CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE/MATERIAL. 
  It isn't meant to include arrows (ala IKAC), and it isn't meant to 
hold a period style bow made completely from modern materials (ala 
IKAC).  It also was desired to have this be written in an exclusive 
manner, meaning that a single bow could/would not classify for multiple 
categories (ala IKAC).  Please read the rule with that in mind ...

Pasted below is the current wording.  I am sending this out for Open 
discussion.  Pass it around, talk about it, talk to me about it, talk on 
this list about it.  I will keep it open for discussion until next 
Thursday night (1 week).  At which point, on Friday, I will make a final 
modification of the rules if needed and they will go live - it can 
always be tweaked later if needed.

Ruling below:

8. Bows will be classified into the following bow types. Each bow shall 
only be classified as one of the following bow types, with precedence 
given to the type listed higher on the list. This means, for example, 
that if you have a bow that qualifies as a Period Handbow, you may not 
use it to also score rounds as a 'Longbow'. When in doubt, contact the 
Kingdom Target Archery Marshal for clarification. Note that these 
classifications may differ from other Kingdoms, IKAC, Winter Challenge, 

a. Crossbow - This category holds all crossbows. (Bows mounted to a 
stock, with a mechanical release). No crossbows with a modern rifle or 
air-rifle-style stock shall be used; therefore, all crossbows are of 
period-style, and therefore there is no separate period category for 

b. Period Handbow - This category is designed to hold all handbows of 
period construction. Made in a period manner only allowing moderate 
changes for modern safety. This category therefore holds all bows, be 
they straight or recurved, that meet the following construction guidelines:

b.1.The bow shall not have a center cut arrow shelf. Built-up shelves 
(such as a piece of cork wrapped onto the bow), markings, or narrow 
notches (no more than an arrow width), are acceptible.

b.2.The bow must have a solid core of wood, or other period material. It 
may have a single backing, and/or a belly lamination of any material. 
However a period handbow should not simply have three thin laminations 
with the power coming from the laminations.

c. Recurve - This covers all other SCA legal bows, that have their tips 
recurved (curved away from the archer) when the bow is strung. It does 
not matter how severe the curving is.

d. Longbow - This then holds all other SCA legal handbows, not described 


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