[Archers] Draft of Archery Rules

Pegasus321 at aol.com Pegasus321 at aol.com
Tue May 7 20:54:14 PDT 2002

Hi All,
   I am behind on email due to various events. So I am a bit late in 
responding to this question.  My apologies.
   I have no objection to hand straps.  I do not feel that there is an unfair 
advantage in using them.  It seems that if they made a significant 
difference, they would be more commonly used long before this.  I wonder if 
they may be a crutch and that they might stand in the way of developing a 
good technique, however.  But I don't think that is a good reason to ban 
their use.
   As for the Royal Round average, I think it is not too much to ask to send 
in three scores per year.  At the least, it serves to show that the Marshall 
is keeping up with the sport.  

In service,
Martin Gareth

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