[Ponte Alto] Weekly Rundown- 2/28

Mariana Ruiz de Medina marianaruizdemedina at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 06:02:49 PST 2022

Happy Monday Ponte Alto!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Savory Food A&S Block! Just a
reminder- if you get me a write up or some pictures by 3/3, I will have a
token for you the next time I see you!

Our next block is German A&S in honor of Their Royal Highnesses upcoming
Coronation. We're going to kick that block off tomorrow night with the
University Instructor spotlight on German garb. The details for that can be
found here on Facebook.

As was announced in business meeting, I have had some big life events
happen recently that have led to a couple of scheduling changes for our A&S
program. First, A&S Nights are moving from 6 pm to 7 pm. They will stay on
the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Second, I am now able to attend
Thursday heavy practices as a spectator on a more regular basis and want to
take this opportunity to bring some in person A&S back to the barony. As
often as I can, I will post on Thursday mornings whether or not I will be
able to attend and invite any artisans who wish to to join me! I will NOT
be there this week, in preparation for KASF.

*Updates for the Week*


   We are still in need of largess! Contact Her Excellency to learn more.

   KASF is this weekend! I'll be there, I believe our Noyon will be there,
   and I hope to see many of our artisans there as well!

   The deadline for the Persona Challenge is THIS SATURDAY 3/5! Sign up here

*Events this Week*


   *Tuesday, 3/1, 7 pm- University Instructor Spotlight: Clothing of the
   Triumphal Procession*, Details in Facebook event, link here

   *Thursday, 3/3, 6 pm- Heavy and Rapier practices.* Please check the
   facebook group to confirm that practices are happening.

   *Sunday, 3/6, 12 pm- Heavy and Rapier practices.* Please check the
   facebook group to confirm that practices are happening.

*Upcoming A&S Opportunities- February and March 2022*

   - *Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival- *March 5, quite a few things
   including Royal Brewer, Royal Baker, Duke Gyrth Memorial Smackdown, Persona
   Pentathlon, and more. See the event website here
   - *Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday-* March 12. Half-dozen largesse
   competition, newcomer A&S competition, other A&S and bardic competitions.
   New A&S and Bardic championships will also take place. See event listing
   for more info. <https://atlantia.sca.org/event/?event_id=6182bad22a46b>
   - *Gulf Wars-* March 12-20. Several classes as well as Artisans War
   Point. More info on the website
   - *Raven's Cove Baronial Birthday-* March 19. Bardic, brewing, garb and
   more! See the event website
   <https://baronyofravenscoveevent.weebly.com/arts-and-science.html> here.
   - *Defending the Gate-* March 26. Some sort of display and competition. Keep
   an eye on the website for details
   - *Virtual In a Phoenix Eye-* March 26. Gallery, discussion, solars, and
   panels. More info to come on the event page.
   - *Fiber Arts Workshop-* March 26. Workshops and displays. See the event
   page here. <https://atlantia.sca.org/event/?event_id=d59a9122>
   - *Persona Development Challenges for TRH Adelhait and Cuan*- 4
   different deadlines, works in progress accepted until TRH's final court at
   Fall Coronation. Check out the details on the Facebook post here
   and register here <https://forms.gle/kez9zjLKzVSNYgB3A>!

Doña Mariana Ruiz de Medina
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