[Ponte Alto] Weekly Rundown- 11/22

Mariana Ruiz de Medina marianaruizdemedina at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 06:16:22 PST 2021

Good morning Ponte Alto!

This is your friendly, neighborhood butcher's reminder that if your turkey
for Thanksgiving weighs 13 lbs or so, it's time to start thawing!

Tonight we have our Winter University class ideas session. If you're
thinking about teaching at Winter University, this is a great time to
brainstorm ideas for class offerings or to refine your current class
submission before the deadline on December 10th!

*Updates for the Week*


   Congratulations to Lady Delphina for running a hugely successful booth
   at Holiday Faire and working down our stash of Gold Key!

*Events this Week*


   Monday, 11/22, 7:30 pm- "What the Heck am I teaching for Winter
   University?" Discussion Group, on Zoom, details in Facebook event, linked
   here <https://fb.me/e/1achhUf1A>.

   Sunday, 11/28- Heavy practice (potentially). Check the Facebook page or
   check with Heinrich directly.

   *Sunday, 11/28, 5 pm- November Populace Meeting*, on Zoom, details in
   Facebook event, linked here <https://fb.me/e/1PS06rlwT>

*Upcoming A&S Opportunities- November and December 2021*


   WInter University class proposals due, 12/10

   Yule Toy Tourney, 12/11- 4 different challenges

*Baronial Polling*


   Is open! Please vote before *Wednesday, November 24th*.
   - To vote, go to https://polling.atlantia.sca.org/
   <https://polling.atlantia.sca.org/index.php> and log in using your AEL
   login (the same login you use for University or to access your
   authorization card). Once there, you should be prompted for Baronial
   Polling. If not, you can switch to Baronial Pollings in the menu on the
   left hand side of the screen. Once you've reached the polling, you can vote
   yes/no and submit any commentary you would like Their Majesties to see.
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