[Ponte Alto] Weekly Rundown- 12/27

Mariana Ruiz de Medina marianaruizdemedina at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 06:45:50 PST 2021

Good morning Ponte Alto!

Happiest of holidays to all who celebrated last weekend and for all those
celebrating next weekend! Don't forget if you're submitting virtual A&S for
12th Night, those deadlines are coming up! The links for the virtual
submissions can be found here

*Updates for the Week*


   Her Excellency is requesting largess! 2022's calendar looks like it'll
   have a lot more in person stuff happening, and we would love to present a
   good showing of Ponte Alto's A&S to our fellow Atlantians! Unsure what
   largess is or what to make? I really love this video
   <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKYsQOSa3yk> from Pennsic University
   last year on the subject.

   Kingdom Arts and Sciences is quickly approaching! Now is a great time to
   start planning out your displays and competition entries!

   Registration for Winter University opens on 1/3. The catalog is up and I
   count no less than 10 classes by Pontoons/honorary or former Pontoons!
   Amazing work, you make me such a proud MoAS.

*Events this Week*


   Sunday, 12/26- Heavy practice (potentially). Check the Facebook page or
   check with Heinrich directly.

*Upcoming A&S Opportunities- January and February 2022*


   *12th Night*- January 15. Royal bard, Tempore Atlantia (1500-1600),
   Work-In-Progress Roundtable, Open Display, Table Decorating Contest
   - *Henry VIII's Holiday Huzzah!- *January 29. Anything 1490-1550 goes!
   Extra points for anything relating to the 12 Days of Christmas during that
   period. Open displays as well.
   - *Tourney of Manannan Mac Lir- *January 29. Fiber Arts, Largess, and
   Scroll Blanks competitions.
   - *Ymir-* February 11. TBD, keep an eye on the website
   - *Bright Hills Baronial Birthday*- February 12. TBD. Keep an eye on the
   website <https://atlantia.sca.org/event/?event_id=8e881e63>.
   - *Day of Love II*- February 26. TBD, keep an eye on the website
   - *Tournament of Love and Beauty*- Feb 26, definitely, keep an eye on
   the event site.
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