[Ponte Alto] Sunday Archery at Grimmsfield

Stephan Grimm grimm at grimmsfield.com
Thu Mar 23 10:02:52 PDT 2017

My good & noble friends of the bow,

Tis the season for the madness that infects all our souls! If you are a new
shooter or a grizzled veteran, the warming of the air brings about a madness
that can only be satisfied by the shooting of archery. As a healer trained
in combatting this psychosis, I must prescribe an afternoon of shooting at
Grimmsfield. The cure can be found this Sunday (3/26/17) starting at 3 p.m.
The shooting will go till dusk and I will be making bean soup to help
fortify us through this tough treatment. Sides and snacks are always
welcome. For more information and directions please see www.grimmsfield.com

See you on the range.

Your servant,


TL:DR: Archery at Grimmsfield Sunday from 3 till dusk with soup.

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