[Ponte Alto] (no subject)

Cellach Mór cellach.mor at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 10:39:07 PST 2016

His Excellency and I attended Atlantia’s Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival
last Saturday. I would apologize for this note getting so long, however
praise the fine work of Ponte Alto must be sung loudly!

Sir Joselin D'outremer entered and won the Persona Pentathalon, with his
pomander, pomander perfumed filling, limp bound book, hard bound book, and
a leather tool case. And Our Champion Lady Vadoma came in a very close
third in the Interbaronial competition. Master Marcellus displayed his
amazing woodwork in the form of musical instruments. It makes me wish I
knew more about the making of music! I’ve had a chance to listen to some of
his instruments being played and they are a delight to hear.

Early in the day Lord Hakon and Aurelia did a few musical pieces together.
If you haven’t seen them, they each have incredible stage presence and
together they knocked it out of the park – or in this case the back corner
of the auditorium where Pontoons had parked.

Ponte Alto singers performed (Mistress Celia of Rosedale, Lord Hakon, Lady
Margaret Lad, & Aurelia), as did Ladies Fayre, (Mistress Celia of Rosedale
and Lady Giovanna Rossellini da Firenze) which has a few Pontoons in it. I
wish I had written down their pieces, but I was too busy listening!

And Lady Scholastica Joycors said she was there disguised as a Pontoon.
(I’m not sure what that means but since she claimed us on the Baronial
Facebook I’m mentioning her here) She told a great story made me giggle in
delight. It reminded me of a story my father used to read me as a child,
Epaminondas and His Auntie. And I felt as enraptured as a child listening.

In court we witnessed Freiherren Adina von der Heide step up to take on the
Kingdom Chronicler position. Some of the other smiling faces we saw were
Mistress Belphoebe de Givet, Baron Drogo Rainulf de Dragonera, Lady Agnete
Köslin, and Lord Grim Kirk of Greymoor.

Lady Barbara MacAuley and Lady Cassair Cassair Warwick did a fantastic job
at making sure His Excellency and I were accompanied, and a special thanks
goes to Lady Vadoma who accompanied me on my shopping trip and was then
cornered by a group of peers. Several times we rested and watched Lady
Caitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada working tirelessly on her amazing

With so many Pontoons in attendance it was a great event!

Cellach Mór

Baroness of Ponte Alto

Kingdom of Atlantia

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