[Ponte Alto] Reminder - Baronial Business Meeting - This Sunday

Christine Menton seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Fri Oct 23 10:08:34 PDT 2015

Greetings unto the list:

The October Business meeting will be this Sunday, 10/25/15 at 6pm at St.
Paul's Lutheran Church, 7426 Idylwood Rd, Falls Church, VA 22043.  If you
are new to the Barony or haven't been to a business meeting in a long time
I encourage you to attend.  For those that are concerned with scheduling
conflicts please know that we try to keep the meetings to an hour or less.

Officers if you are unable to attend please make sure to email a report to
myself and Her Excellency Adina before the meeting.  Her Excellency is
taking over the roll of Chronicler on a temporary basis until we find a
more permanent replacement.

There are several Baronial positions that need Deputies and few that need
lead officers, please consider volunteering your time and talent to these
open positions.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Yours in service,

Lady Caitilin
(Christine Menton)
Barony of Ponte Alto
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