[Ponte Alto] Baronial Polling Letters

Christine Menton seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Wed Oct 21 12:59:35 PDT 2015

Greetings unto the list:

Baronial Polling letters were dropped off at 12:30 today at the post
office.  This means if you live within the Baronial zip codes and are a
dues paid member you should be receiving a bright yellow envelope in the
next few days.   Responses must be postmarked by 11/13/15 to be considered
by Their Royal Majesties.

 If you live outside of the Baronial zip codes (ex people in Centreville
and Chantily) or are not a dues paid member and would like to voice your
opinion on the candidates you may email or snail mail Their Royal Majesties
after 10/28/15.  This give Barony members time to receive their letters.

Yours in service,
Lady Caitilin
(Christine Menton)
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