[Ponte Alto] Update for those attending WoW

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 08:36:40 PDT 2015

Elchenburg Castle
3 hrs
· Edited <https://www.facebook.com/groups/AtlantiaSCA/#>

As things grow, so must they formalize, for the good of all.
Elchenburg Castle, an SCA-dedicated site, is working with the appropriate
authorities to follow the safety requirements mandated by the state of
North Carolina. (Please note that none of these requirements are
county-specific. Also, this post has been editted to reflect further
clarifications from the fire marshal at approx. 10am on 10/13/15.)

There needs to be a no-tent, no-sheet-wall radius of 25' around every
campfire, of 15' around every fire bowl (covered or open), and of 20'
around every combustion engine.

There needs to be a nothing-combustible clearance around bonfires of 50',
(which includes trees), *unless* the bonfire is contained within a barbecue
pit (such as the Flintstones Camp features).

There needs to be a no-tent, no-sheet-wall radius of 10' around a camp

There needs to be a no-tent, no-sheet-wall radius of 10' around an
open-flame tiki torch, assuming the tiki torch is of typical height (6')
and of typical size (1 pint).

Roads must be at least 12' wide, *including* vehicles parked for
un/loading, so roads will be at least 20' wide to allow for said
very-temporarily-parked vehicles. Do not double-park.

Camping blocks must be no larger than 100' by 300' (to permit reasonable
emergency responder-to-victim access from the nearest road).

Non-pop-up tents larger than 10' by 10', even non-walled, but holding
chairs for classes, must be tagged as NFPA 701 compliant and marked with a
"No Smoking" sign.
Any such classroom must be within 70' of a working fire extinguisher which
is less than one year old.

Each county is tasked with enforcing/interpreting these state laws. Yadkin
County, home of Elchenburg Castle, is fortunate in featuring officials who
want to help War of the Wings grow, safely. They've expressed the sentiment
that they need to learn how SCA events function so that reasonable
accommodations can be made. Elchenburg Castle is grateful: Helpful safety
expertise is something an event of more than 1,000 people definitely needs.


Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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