[Ponte Alto] Reminder - Baronial A&S Competition at Crown

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Fri May 1 08:10:35 PDT 2015

Greetings, everyone!
Just a reminder that Their Excellencies Drogo and Adina will be selecting their A&S Champion at Crown Tourney tomorrow.  All are encouraged to submit entries, including Works In Progress.  Documentation is encouraged, but not required.  If you are entering the Tempore Atlantia (time period 1250-1400AD) and would also like to have that entry considered for Baronial A&S Champion, please leave a note on a 3x5 card at the Baronial A&S table with information on your entry so that Their Excellencies may look at it.  Thank you, and I look forward to seeing many wonderful entries.
Yours in Service,
MarcellusMoAS, Ponte Alto
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