[Ponte Alto] Baronial Business Meeting Reminder & Notice of change of Chronicler

Christine Menton seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Wed Aug 19 06:02:34 PDT 2015


The August Business meeting will this Sunday, 8/23/15 at 6pm at St. Paul's
Lutheran Church, 7426 Idylwood Rd, Falls Church, VA 22043.  If you are new
to the Barony or haven't been to a business meeting in a long time I
encourage you to attend.  For those that are concerned with scheduling
conflicts please know that we try to keep the meetings to an hour or less.

We have a lot to cover with Chalice coming up on October 10th.  Also
officers if you will not be in attendance please email your reports to
myself and Cadwalader Ap Ieuan​ (Mike Bond) prior to the meeting. Thanks!

Cadwalader is taking over the position of Chronicler, as Theresa has
moved.  Thanks for all the hard work you put in Theresa.

Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend.

Yours in service,
Lady Catitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada
(Christine Menton)
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