[Ponte Alto] Thanksgiving Wishes

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 20:50:12 PST 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Ponte Alto!

  Hopefully you all have plans to be with family or friends this year.  If
not, Drogo and I would like to offer Thanksgiving Orphans a seat at our
table.  What are Thanksgiving Orphans?  That would be those of you who are
not able to go home for Thanksgiving this year or have no other plans.

  If you would be joining us, please let us know by Tuesday evening (so we
can lay in provisions Wednesday).

  For Thursday's dinner, we will be providing the turkey, mashed potatoes,
stuffing, and table to seat you at.  If you would bring a dish, something
that makes Thanksgiving Dinner something special to you, please bring
enough to share with 6-8.

  Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Ponte Alto!

  Drogo e Adina

Barone e Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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