[Ponte Alto] Fwd: Friday Medieval Faire for Cubscouts (Friday June 27th, from 1-2:30, Westminster, MD)
adinavdh at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 08:56:37 PDT 2014
Hello Ponte Alto!
I know this is short notice, and I may be speaking out of turn here, but
a Boy Scout group is looking for some support on Friday June 27th, from
1-2:30 in Westminster, MD, and I'm trying to boost the bandwidth.
I have emailed (just a few minutes ago) the Chatelaines of Lochmere and
Ponte Alto to see if they can boost the signal as well. If you can/would
be willing to support this - please contact one or better- all of them (the
Chatelaines) so we can get organized. Lochmere-Lady Avice (Avice.Claremond
AT gmail.com); and Ponte Alto-Lady Sophia (syrenscallwenches AT gmail.com)
and/or Lady Flora (Flora.Beyeaux AT gmail.com).
The woman putting this together does want what we do but apparently
doesn't know about us. She seems to be 'settling' for the groups she has
contacted. The Individual who reached out to me knows what we do,
unfortunately, she wasn't contacted until the last minute and couldn't get
me a date until yesterday. Again, sorry for the shot notice.
I believe this is their event:
706 Agriculture Center Dr., Westminster, MD 21157, US
*Day Camp 2014:* June 23-27, 2014. Our theme for this year is Knights of
the Roundtable. There are many activities being planned that will
(hopefully) include a demonstration of medieval life and the building of a
catapult. Also,BB and archery will again be available for the scouts to
earn those belt loops. Day Camp is the only place the scouts can earn these
belt loops. We plan to have horses available so the scouts can earn their
horsemanship belt loop.
Thank you and see you soon!
Baronessa di Ponte Alto
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: C
Date: Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 3:12 PM
Subject: Fwd: Friday Medieval Faire for Cubscouts
To: Adina
Hey lady. Wondering if you can help me out. Graeme is going to Boy Scout
daycamp in a couple weeks! It's a medieval theme and they're looking for
people to come in on that Friday to interact with the boys and families.
Sounds like they're having some trouble (since I assume there's no pay
involved). Anything you guys can do to help? Contacts you can give me,
people who might want to come up and do something? The email with details
is attached.
Miss you guys! The new kitten is adorable!!!
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
*From:* Donald Spratt <edspratt2002 at yahoo.com>
*Date:* June 10, 2014 at 1:58:31 PM EDT
*To:* C
*Subject:* *Re: Friday Medieval Faire for Cubscouts*
*Reply-To:* Donald Spratt <edspratt2002 at yahoo.com>
We are looking for reenactors, artisans who could bring their craft to
demonstrate, people who can dress in period costume and interact with the
scouts and families regarding the theme.
We have spoken with:
1. Medieval Fantasy but they were booked
2. PA Falconry group
3. Amatuer Jousting Group (we are in the process of trying to get a hold
of them)
4. Love Dove Weddings (Falconry)
5. Markland Medieval Mercenary Militia
6. Renaissance Man (we have him booked)
7. *Patuxent Lapidary* Guild <http://www.patuxentlapidary.org/>
We would appreciate any help you can give us.
Thank you
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