[Ponte Alto] Monthly Business Meeting

Christine Menton seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org
Thu Feb 20 15:57:17 PST 2014

Greetings unto the list:

Just a quick reminder that the Baronial Business Meeting is this Sunday
2/23/14 at 6pm.  We will be in the Undercroft - aka the room under the

All officers - the chronicler has asked that you send her a brief blurb
about points you will cover in your officer report.  It makes it easier for
her to take notes that way during the meetings.  Also if you will not be in
attendance please send me your reports PRIOR to 5pm - that way I have them
before the meeting starts.


Yours in service,

Lady Caitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada
(Christine Menton)
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