[Ponte Alto] Fw: Folger Consort announces its 14/15 season - Please join us!

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 29 05:17:36 PDT 2014

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>From: "consort at folger.edu" <consort at folger.edu>
>To: afpopa at yahoo.com 
>Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 8:07 AM
>Subject: Folger Consort announces its 14/15 season - Please join us!
>View web or mobile version  
>Dear Robert Capozello, 
>Thank you for joining Folger Consort for our season of early music. Your support is why we have been creating concerts of medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music for the past 36 years. We hope you can join us for more performances in the future. 
>We are delighted to share our plans for the upcoming 2014/15 Folger Consort season—when we will celebrate with repertoire inspired in part by beautiful artwork and by our own Folger exhibitions—and we hope you will take this opportunity to subscribe to all five fabulous concerts and enjoy all of the benefits that come with being a Folger subscriber. 
>Here are the exciting concert programs, beginning this fall:
> Courting Elizabeth: Music and Patronage in Shakespeare’s England
>September 26 - 28, 2014 
>Folger Consort performs songs and lute ayres of Shakespeare's time, include dances by John Dowland, and lyra viol pieces by Tobias Hume. With viol consort Arcadia Viols and tenor James Taylor.  
> A Renaissance Christmas: Music of Flanders and Italy circa 1500
>December 16 - 23, 2014 
>This year's festive holiday concert highlights seasonal music of Flemish and Italian composers, from a region where the glimmers of a more popular native Italian style started appearing during the Renaissance. With tenor Aaron Sheehan and instrumentalist Christa Patton. 
> The Road to Canterbury: Music of Medieval England
>January 9 - 10, 2015 at the Washington National Cathedral 
>Folger Consort delights in the cheerful liveliness of English medieval music—performing music mentioned in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, 
ethereal motets from the Lady Masses, as well as sweet songs in Middle English and Latin. With acclaimed vocal ensemble Lionheart.
> The Merchant of Venice: Music and Poetry of Shakespeare’s Play
>February 27, 2015 at The Music Center at Strathmore 
>Performed in the majestic venue at Strathmore, this season highlight features Shakespeare's dramatic masterpiece with the extraordinary Renaissance music of the Venetian Bassano Family.With renowned actor Sir Derek Jacobi, 
sopranoEmily Noël, and membersof the esteemed British ensemble The Gabrieli Consort.
> Ships, Clocks, and Stars: Music of Telemann and Other Baroque Masters
>April 10 - 12, 2015 
>Folger Consort explores the scientific and the satirical in a late Baroque celebration of variety.  Virtuoso cantatas, the brilliant work of Rameau, and Telemann’s amusing suite based on Gulliver’s Travels are performed. With soprano Yulia Van Doren, 
violinist Krista Bennion Feeney, 
and flutist Rodrigo Tarazza.  
>Subscribe today to hear all five concerts and secure the best seats in each venue. As a subscriber, you will receive: savings over individual ticket prices; free and easy ticket exchange privileges; a valuable discount card for area restaurants and businesses, and access to prime seats for the performance at The Music Center at Strathmore.  
>You can subscribe online at http://www.mmsend70.com/link.cfm?r=182358608&sid=38920921&m=4224962&u=folger&j=18366858&s=http://www.folger.edu/consortsub or simply print the subscription form and send it in by mail or fax (to 202.544.7520). Folger box office associates are available at 202.544.7077 to answer any questions, take your renewal by phone, and to thank you for being with us.  
>Thank you for being a part of our musical family. I personally look forward to seeing you forPictures at an Exhibition. 
>Jennifer Bowman
>Folger Consort Manager  
>P.S. When you subscribe, we hope you will support early music at the Folger as a Friend of Folger Consort. Learn more (http://www.mmsend70.com/link.cfm?r=182358608&sid=38920923&m=4224962&u=folger&j=18366858&s=http://www.folger.edu/friends) about the levels and benefits of membership.
>Click here to unsubscribe      
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