[Ponte Alto] Volunteers Needed for Chalice

Theresa Crean ladycahir96 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 27 08:50:09 PDT 2013

Greetings unto the good gentles on the list!
I am in need of some volunteers for Chalice of the Sun God X on October 19th.
1.  Minister of the Lists (MoL)
2.  Court Herald
3.  Water Bearers (great for ages 8 and up)
4.  Feast Preparation (I'll check with the Cook for times)
5.  Children's Activities--help making crafts from 1:00-2:30
6.  Assist Hall Steward with set up for Feast (approx. 30 minutes in the afternoon).

If you can help, please contact me off-list at ladycahir96 at yahoo.com.

Thank you!

Lady Theresa O Cahir
Theresa Crean
Event Steward, Chalice of the Sun God X
804-432-3226 (cell)
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