[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] Evening Court Report - Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday and Investiture - February 23, 2013
adinavdh at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 12:21:04 PST 2013
Greetings All!
As We were celebrating our Tournament of Love and Beauty, Our Cousins,
Their Excellencies Takeda and Ariel, Baron and Baroness of Nottinghill
Coill, were being invested.
As We were not able to be there, We asked Dame Morwenna Trevethan if she
would present to Thier Excellencies a token from Our fair Barony. As you
can read in the court report - she did both present a gift basket and
Welcome to Our Cousins, Their Excellencies Takeda and Ariel, and a
heartfelt Thank You to Dame Morwenna Trevethan .
In service
Drogo e Adina
Barone e la Baronessa di Ponte Alto
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Craig <morgul at sc.rr.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:05 AM
Subject: [MR] Evening Court Report - Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday
and Investiture - February 23, 2013
To: Merry Rose <atlantia at atlantia.sca.org>, Nottinghill Coilll <
nottinghill-coill at yahoogroups.com>, Atlantian Heralds <
AtlantianHeralds at yahoogroups.com>
Unto Your Majesties Vladimir and Kalisa, Your Highnesses Amos and Ysabella,
Your Excellencies Takeda and Ariel, the Triton Principal Herald, the
Atlantian College of Heralds, the populace of Atlantia and all who read
this missive:
Greetings from Lord Cian mac Cellacháin hUí Dubhlaich, Gordian Knot
Pursuivant herald, and herald of record for the morning Baronial Court from
the Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday and Investiture in February, AS 47.
At the celebration of Nottinghill Coill's Baronial Birthday and
Investiture, held in the Barony of Nottinghill Coill on February 23, 2013,
also known as Anno Societatis 47, Their Excellencies Takeda and Ariel,
Baron and Baroness of Nottinghill Coill, did process for the first time
into court behind Their Majesties Vladimir and Kalisa
Their Majesties did open a Royal Court, which was heralded by Baron Lucien
de la Rochelle, and will be reported on by him. During the Royal Court,
Their Majesties did bid Baron Takeda and Baroness Ariel to open Their own
Baronial court to conduct some business.
Their Excellencies of Nottinghill Coill did command Their herald to open
court for the first time.
Their Excellencies spoke to the Populace, welcoming them and thanking them
for coming to the event. They expressed Their appreciation at all of the
activities, and Their enjoyment at seeing everyone having fun.
It then pleased Their Excellencies to name Their Champions. After watching
the various events, and much discussion, the following gentles were called
before Them and invested with the regalia of a Champion of Nottinghill Coill
Arts and Sciences – Dame Morwenna Trevethan
Archery – Lady Magdelen Woderose
Armored – Lord Carrick MacManus
Rapier – Lord Tyes Amione Defoss
Cut & Thrust – Lord Elphin ap Daffydd
Equestrian – Lord Savage Blackwolf
Their Excellencies then invited Their Cousin, Baroness Adendra of Hidden
Mountain, to come into Their court, where she also presented a gift basket
of items of relaxation.
Her Excellency, Baroness Sine of Sacred Stone, was invited into court,
where she also presented Their Excellencies with a gift basket and welcomed
Them into the family.
The autocrat was summoned into court, where he thanked the populace, warmly
thanked his staff, and announced the winners of the various tournaments.
The autocrat also presented Their Excellencies with a set of 6 wooden keys
that he had carved, each attached to a kumihimo cord done in the colors of
each of the 5 cantons for Nottinghill Coill, as well as one done in the
colors of the Barony itself.
With those keys in hand, Their Excellencies did have the Seneschals of each
canton and the Barony come forward to officially receive the keys to wear
as a symbol of their office.
Dame Morwenna Trevethan was invited before Their Excellencies where, as a
duly appointed ambassador from Their Excellencies Ponte Alto (including
official sash!), she did present Baron Takeda and Baroness Ariel with a
gift basket from Their cousins up north.
Lord Axum O’Neal was summoned forth from his position behind the thrones to
stand before His Excellency. Baron Takeda spoke warmly of the efforts that
Lord Axum had put forth in getting Them ready for Their investiture, and
the amazing work that Lord Axum had done on the Baronial garb. Thus, Baron
Takeda was pleased to give the first award of Their reign to Lord Axum, and
presented him with the Baron’s Award of Excellence.
Their Excellencies then called forth the Order of the Gordian Knot. When
the Order was assembled before Them, Baroness Ariel commented that
something wasn’t right. Her command for the Order to assemble was
incomplete, for there was one missing. She commanded the Baronial Herald
to call forth Lord Felipe de Pamplona, who presented himself before Their
Excellencies, and was inducted into the Order of the Gordian Knot for his
service to the Barony.
There being no further business, Their Excellencies of Nottinghill Coill,
Baron Takeda and Baroness Ariel did close Their first court.
This account is accurate to the best of my knowledge and complete to the
extent of the information available to me.
Set down and submitted by my hand,
I remain,
faithful in service to Crown and Kingdom,
Lord Cian mac Cellacháin hUí Dublaich,
Gordian Knot Pursuivant herald.
Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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