[Ponte Alto] Fw: [Atlantia-Announce] Atlantian Social Media Presences and the Social Media Policy

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 12:10:11 PST 2013


----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: Señor Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza <santiagoruiz at verizon.net>
>To: announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org; atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org 
>Cc: socialmedia at atlantia.sca.org 
>Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 3:07 PM
>Subject: [Atlantia-Announce] Atlantian Social Media Presences and the Social Media Policy
>Greetings to the Populace of Atlantia,
>On Monday I made a post to the Kingdom Webministry blog and shared
    it here with an explanation of what did and did not qualify as
    falling under the 'strict' requirements of the Society's Social
    Media Policy. Today I made another post clarifying some of the more
    difficult questions we have been fielding. I have also released a
    list of social media presences in the Kingdom that fall under the
    requirements of the Social Media Policy.
>In order to preserve your inboxes, I have posted all of the relevant
    information on the Kingdom Webministry blog
>	* Regarding the Social Media Policy (Monday) - http://web.atlantia.sca.org/blog/regarding-the-social-media-policy 
>	* Further Clarifications on the SMP - http://web.atlantia.sca.org/blog/further-clarifications-on-the-smp 
>	* Atlantian Social Media Presences: SMP Required - http://web.atlantia.sca.org/blog/atlantian-social-media-presences-smp-required  
>If you are an administrator of a social media presence that represents a branch, I would strongly encourage you to read the third post at the very least. If your presence is not listed and you think it should be, please contact me at socialmedia at atlantia.sca.org and I will assist you.
>Lastly, I want to thank those of you who have started social media initiatives for your branches. The work you do can help spread the dream, which is the reason I sought this role in the first place. In the coming days, I will be sharing ideas and 'best practices' to assist you as I am able. Likewise, if you have suggestions, I welcome them.
Your Servant,
Señor Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza
Social Media Deputy,
Kingdom of Atlantia socialmedia at atlantia.sca.org   
>Announce mailing list
>Announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
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