[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] Regarding the Social Media Policy

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 11:58:20 PST 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Señor Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza <santiagoruiz at verizon.net>
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 12:13 PM
Subject: [MR] Regarding the Social Media Policy
To: atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org, announce at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Cc: socialmedia at atlantia.sca.org

Greetings Atlantians,

The Society released the official Social Media Policy (SMP) yesterday
(available at http://sca.org/officers/**seneschal/docs.html<http://sca.org/officers/seneschal/docs.html>)
and I understand there has been some excitement already concerning it.
Social Media Deputy, I would like to simplify things and also present...A
Plan*:**In order to minimize confusion, both for page/group admins and for
the seneschal, webminister, and social media deputy, please do not advise
anyone to make any changes. Allow me.

*There are three categories of Social Media regarding the SMP: SMP
Required, SMP Recommended, and No SMP.

/SMP Required/ - Pages/Groups which purport to be a voice of the Branch,
Office, or Event--both in title and description--and are Open fall under
the SMP Required category. /Both/ criteria must be met in order to fall
into this category (I have verified this with Society).
    Example: Kingdom of Atlantia Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/**
AtlantiaSCA <http://www.facebook.com/AtlantiaSCA>
    Questionable: Kingdom of Atlantia Facebook group
    Exempt: Atlantia Arts and Sciences group https://www.facebook.com/**
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/398128466934902/>- The description
states this is a discussion and question group, NOT an
announcement group

If your page falls under the /SMP Required/, don't panic. All that needs to
happen is two warranted officers of the group (any officers) must have
administrative access and a required disclaimer must be put into the
description. For examples, take a look at the Kingdom of Atlantia Facebook
page mentioned above. *I will be in contact with admins to advise them on

/SMP Recommended*- */Pages/Groups which either have an official voice but
are closed or have a personal voice (discussion group) and are open fall
into this category.
    Example: Atlantia Arts and Sciences group

If your page or group falls under the /SMP Recommended /category, you
should read the SMP and focus on sections 4.c. and onward. This is about
"Best Practices" (don't post political propaganda, don't do illegal stuff,
be courteous, etc.). You /are NOT/ required to have the disclaimer or two

/No SMP/ - Pages/Groups which have a personal voice (discussion group) and
are closed fall into this category.
    Example: Highland Foorde Scriptorium on Facebook

You don't have to follow the SMP. That doesn't mean I would recommend
having your group full of profanity and/or illegal content (the FBI has
precedence over the SCA in the real world), but it's your group.

In conclusion, I return to my original point: *leave this to me*. If you
ask the Kingdom Seneschal, she will point you to me, because this is why
she and the Kingdom Webminister have asked me to do this job. I will be in
contact with the page administrators who need to make changes. If you have
questions, make them good and send them to me.

Your Servant,
Señor Santiago Ruiz de Zaragoza
Partido en dos argén y sable, dos gatos domesticado contracambiado y
dispuesto a pelear sable y oro.

                  The Merry Rose Tavern at Cheapside
   List Info: http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.**org/<http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/>
 Submissions: Atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.**sca.org<Atlantia at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org>
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Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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