[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Lochmere] LochMart a Success - Many Thanks!

Kel kel.abc at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 06:32:58 PDT 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "karen kalbaugh" <k_kalbaugh at yahoo.com>
Date: Apr 16, 2013 9:07 AM
Subject: [Lochmere] LochMart a Success - Many Thanks!
To: "lochmere at yahoogroups.com" <lochmere at yahoogroups.com>


** Can someone please cross post this to Ponte Alto and Dun Carraig? ***

Greetings Good Gentles of Atlantia and the Barony of Lochmere -

This year LochMart was sheer madness! Items were flying off the tables and
racks! People were everywhere!  I didn't sit down for a minute the whole

I loved every moment of it...

My sincerest thanks goes out to the populace who donated all of the
beautiful items for sale and to those who were there to get a bargain.
Thanks go out to those who just stopped by to look around and say hello.  A
huge Thank You also to Jill Wallenfelt Lee (Lady Isolda de Crosthwaite),
Chris Reichart Stuermer (Mistress Arianna Morgan), and Jim Garm (Master
Phillip of Ghent) because it wouldn't have been such a success without your
help and support - I love you all! You all were my rock and provided me
with the strength and energy I needed to get thru the hectic day!

Most importantly - the following day when it came time to break down the
site, several individuals hung around and waited specifically for my
pavillion to dry out enough to be taken down and be packed away.  A Special
Thank You to Their Excellencies of Ponte Alto, Baron Drogo Rainulf de
Dragonera and Baroness Adina von der Heidefor, Lord Eshton Spearcrafter,
Grimkirk (Mike - sorry for any misspellings),  and Joe (whose SCA I don't
know)...your kindness and graciousness (esp. in helping me with this
laborious task) is what keeps me enthusiastic about bieng in the SCA.

I greatly appreciate everyone that was at the event and those that were
there to help out - that is what truly makes a successful/fun event!

In Service to the Kingdom of Atlantia and the Barony of Lochmere,

Lady Genevieve Dompier du Marche

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