[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto 20 year

Drogo Dragonara drogod at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 18:52:32 PDT 2012

Unto the great populace of Ponte Alto do We Drogo and Adina send greetings!

Ponte Alto's 5th Birthday party celebrating 20 years as a Barony was a
great deal of fun.  By now I hope many of you have seen the photo's
from the palio races and folks just having fun.

We received Birthday presents from Sacred Stone, Storvik and Bright
Hills and We would like to thank these fine Baronies and their
Baronage for their lovely gifts, as well as a new pitcher from Eadric
the Potter.

Thanks to Master Tirloch and all his staff for making this event
happen.  It was a lot of work and a lot of planing but I think
everyone had a fun time, including Her Majesty and Her Highness.  We
were greatly pleased to note the efforts of Lady Delphina the Mad and
her stable of horses, as well at the contributions of Lady Alesia and
her wonderful banners, many people commented on them and the ingenuity
of their design.

As most of you know by now, we lost Master Tirloch rather suddenly and
unexpectedly.  He was phenomenal in his support for the Barony,
Kingdom and the SCA, and the planning of this event, nearly a year in
the making, was his vision and his gift to our Barony.  The time and
effort he put into this is a testament to his dedication to our group
and The Dream.  Thank you once again Master Tirloch, you will be
sorely missed by the Barony and so many more.

As we close this missive, We leave you with this quote from Master
Tirloch,  from Monday after the event: "I spoke with the business
manager at Kena Temple today.  He was extremely complimentary about
how we left the facility – doing the cleanup etc"

Thanks to all who helped clean up after the event, it is efforts like
this, leaving the site as good or better then when we got there, that
show the dedication of people to ensuring all of us can have a fun

Drogo and Adina
Barone e Baronessa di Ponte Alto

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