[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [MR] A&S at Sacred Stone's Baronial Birthday!

Adina adinavdh at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 11:06:47 PDT 2012

From: Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou <etienne.le.mons at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:12 PM
Subject: [MR] A&S at Sacred Stone's Baronial Birthday!
To:  Atlantia

Greetings to the lists!

Sacred Stone's 30th Baronial Birthday is rapidly approaching and there are
quite a few A&S activities to capture your attention and creativity.****


** **

First, there will be a heraldic display competition of the ancient arms of
Sacred Stone (and related groups). As we look back at the history of Sacred
Stone, we celebrate those that came before us! In splendor and nobility, we
honor them with displays of our ancient arms. Documentation is not
required, but is preferred.****

Eligible arms include the following:****

Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone****

Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone Populace Badge 1****

Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone Populace Badge 2****

Canton of Hindscroft****

Canton of Hindscroft Populace Badge****

Canton of Aire Faucon****

College of Caer Daibhidh****

College of Hyrnkeepe****

Shire of Drakken Leira****

** **

Next, the Baronage is calling on its citizens to provide largesse in
celebration of its birthday! This can range from woven trim, viking beads,
thank you cards, or anything else that would make a good gift! These items
will be considered donated to the Barony and  will be included in gift
baskets that the Barony gives away or as prizes for future  competitions or
any other gift giving that needs to be done. The winner of the competition
will receive a gift basket in return!  Documentation is requested (and
graded) but not required.****

** **

Also, there will be an Artisans' Row! Sacred Stone has many talented
artisans and scholars.  To show all we have to offer, an Artisans’ Row will
be held from 10 am – 4 pm on Saturday!  Each Canton of the Barony will
bring out its artisans (for 2 hour periods)  and answer questions and
demonstrate their arts!****

10am – Noon: Charlesbury Crossing & Baelfire Dunn****

Noon – 2 pm: Crois Brigte & Aire Faucon****

2 pm – 4 pm: Middlegate & Salesberie Glen****

** **

I hope to see all of you there. This promises to be a fun-filled Labor Day

Yours, in Service and Art,
*Seigneur Etienne Le Mons d'Anjou*
KMoAS Deputy for the Performing Arts
Vexillum Herald for Armory Commentary

Baronessa di Ponte Alto
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