[Ponte Alto] Barony mtg tonight?

laura b cziplok18 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 22 09:41:56 PDT 2012

We are interested in attending, if that would be okay. I haven't been around for awhile, and would like to get caught up again with the Barony, and become involved again. 


Laura Champion
Hezka Von Goeli

 From: CHRISTINE MENTON <mentoni at msn.com>
To: Ponte Alto List <ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org> 
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Barony mtg tonight?

Yes there is a Barony Meeting tonight.


Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 11:53:37 -0400
From: kel.abc at gmail.com
To: ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Barony mtg tonight?

Is there a baronial meeting tonight?

On Apr 19, 2012 5:30 PM, "Drogo Dragonara" <drogod at gmail.com> wrote:

Greetings Ponte Alto!
>It is Our hope that many of you have been able to enjoy the fine
>weather we have been having the last few days (even the rather
>pleasant April shower yesterday)
>Coronation was a Grand time as always.  During their last court, Cuán
>and Pádraigín elevated Talorgen Hersir nepos Wrguist (currently
>Atlantia's Kingdom Web Minister) to the order of the Pelican, and
>Mistress Anne stepped down from her position as Chancellor of the
>Thank you Mistress Anne for all your hard work for the Kingdom and Barony!
>Brian and Brianna stepped up to Their rightful place as Monarchs of
>Atlantia with much banging of warshields!  Their Coronation was then
>celebrated with heavy combat melee practice, rapier melee practice,
>archery, thrown weapons  and A&S competitions.  The whole day was
>capped off with a Grand Feast, followed by dancing and a bardic
>(By the way, this marks the end of Atlantia's Pearl Passport
>Promenade, and you have until April 20th to mail them in to be
>counted.  See http://www.travelatlantia.net/ for details.)
>For those of you traveling to the Golden Rose tournament this weekend,
>have fun and travel safely.  Crown Tournament is right around the
>corner on May 5th and will be held at Patuxent River Park, about an
>hour from Ponte Alto - camping is available for those so inclined.  We
>look forward to seeing you all there!
>Drogo and Adina
>Barone e Baronessa di Ponte Alto
>Ponte-Alto mailing list
>Ponte-Alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
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