[Ponte Alto] Barony mtg tonight?

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Sun Apr 22 08:56:36 PDT 2012

Yes there is a Barony Meeting tonight.

Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2012 11:53:37 -0400
From: kel.abc at gmail.com
To: ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Barony mtg tonight?

Is there a baronial meeting tonight?
On Apr 19, 2012 5:30 PM, "Drogo Dragonara" <drogod at gmail.com> wrote:

Greetings Ponte Alto!

It is Our hope that many of you have been able to enjoy the fine

weather we have been having the last few days (even the rather

pleasant April shower yesterday)

Coronation was a Grand time as always.  During their last court, Cuán

and Pádraigín elevated Talorgen Hersir nepos Wrguist (currently

Atlantia's Kingdom Web Minister) to the order of the Pelican, and

Mistress Anne stepped down from her position as Chancellor of the


Thank you Mistress Anne for all your hard work for the Kingdom and Barony!

Brian and Brianna stepped up to Their rightful place as Monarchs of

Atlantia with much banging of warshields!  Their Coronation was then

celebrated with heavy combat melee practice, rapier melee practice,

archery, thrown weapons  and A&S competitions.  The whole day was

capped off with a Grand Feast, followed by dancing and a bardic


(By the way, this marks the end of Atlantia's Pearl Passport

Promenade, and you have until April 20th to mail them in to be

counted.  See http://www.travelatlantia.net/ for details.)

For those of you traveling to the Golden Rose tournament this weekend,

have fun and travel safely.  Crown Tournament is right around the

corner on May 5th and will be held at Patuxent River Park, about an

hour from Ponte Alto - camping is available for those so inclined.  We

look forward to seeing you all there!


Drogo and Adina

Barone e Baronessa di Ponte Alto


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