[Ponte Alto] Chalice - A Request

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 14 09:20:41 PDT 2011

Greetings Pontoons:
I have agreed to help our fearless autocrat as his score-keeper for both the individual and team challenge competitions.  For that, it will be very important that those folks who are in charge of running A&S, Performance, Rapier, Armored and Archery, ask the participants to state whether or not they are on a team.  This will be important in order to keep accurate scoring and awarding of points for final determination on who will be the individual and team Chalice Champions this year.
Additionally, just a reminder to keep registration forms for teams at Troll, so those folks who are registering a team do so from the onset and we can keep them in record.  Caitlin, I understand you are the reservationist.  Can you please make sure that folks register their teams at Troll?  It must be done before 11 a.m.  Team signup form is here http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/events/chalice_team.php
Finally, the rules for the team competitions can be found at the link below.  Please cross-post those rules if you can, so folks can start organizing their teams:
Thank you,
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