[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Webministry
brooke white
traumspindel at googlemail.com
Tue May 3 11:38:21 PDT 2011
Salve, my lady,
How lovely of you to do this this way. How gentle and prettily put. Thank
you so much for doing this on an every day basis. I am most grateful for
people like you , who simply do what must be done. And one, such as you, who
has served so reliably, to ot just continue like you seem to be inclined to
do (again something that silly me, being very low level, is immensle
grateful for) but to put all these options before us. I find this very, very
It may not be my place to 'pass any form of' judgement. But I am amazed at
this barony, that has welcomed me so charmingly and its dedicated officers.
And I find this extraordinarily well done.
may I applaud you?
2011/5/3 Rachael Storey <rmstorey at gmail.com>
> Greetings my fellow Pontoons,
> My two-year warrant as Ponte Alto Webminister will be expiring this
> month. I would personally love to continue in the position; however,
> I want to make sure that others with interest also have a chance to
> volunteer. If there is anyone who wants a turn at administering our
> website, please send me an email so we can go over stuff. I can also
> meet with anyone interested at the next business meeting. I will stay
> on as a deputy for anyone who wants to take over as Webminister, both
> to assist and to continue with the projects I have planned.
> Alternately, if anyone is interested in assisting with webministery,
> but isn't ready to jump in and take over, let me know and I will add
> you as a deputy. If there is nobody else wanting to take over, I will
> be applying for another two-year warrant.
> YiS,
> -Giovanna Rossellini da Firenze
> Ponte Alto Webminister
> Atlantia Deputy Webminister
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