[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Webministry

Rachael Storey rmstorey at gmail.com
Tue May 3 08:29:40 PDT 2011

Greetings my fellow Pontoons,

My two-year warrant as Ponte Alto Webminister will be expiring this
month.  I would personally love to continue in the position; however,
I want to make sure that others with interest also have a chance to
volunteer.  If there is anyone who wants a turn at administering our
website, please send me an email so we can go over stuff.  I can also
meet with anyone interested at the next business meeting.  I will stay
on as a deputy for anyone who wants to take over as Webminister, both
to assist and to continue with the projects I have planned.

Alternately, if anyone is interested in assisting with webministery,
but isn't ready to jump in and take over, let me know and I will add
you as a deputy.  If there is nobody else wanting to take over, I will
be applying for another two-year warrant.

-Giovanna Rossellini da Firenze
Ponte Alto Webminister
Atlantia Deputy Webminister

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