[Ponte Alto] July Newcomer's Meeting

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Wed Jun 15 06:48:43 PDT 2011

The July's Newcomer's Meeting has be scheduled for:
Friday, July 15th 7pm until ?
Baroness Celia of Rosedale's3714 Sudley Ford CtFairfax VA 22033
Note about parking .No real guest parking on Sudely Ford will need to park on Brandy station rd (very close to house just across street)As always Newcomer's meetings are open to everyone old or new. Come hang out, talk, meet new people. Bring a project to work on. If you have any questions or need more information please contact either Baroness Emma West, Chatelaine ((301) 943-2469) or Lady Caitilin Irruis inghean ui Riada, Deputy Chatelaine (703) 786-6739.

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