[Ponte Alto] Investiture/Guests & Loaner Garb

CHRISTINE MENTON mentoni at msn.com
Tue Jan 18 05:14:41 PST 2011

Greeting Fellow Pontoons:
As we all look forward to Investiture this coming weekend it has come to my attention that we are going to have a lot of guests.  How many you may ask?  I know of at least 12 ranging in size from toddlers to young adults to larger adult men and women.  I fear there may even be more people beyond the 12 that I am aware of, and I dont think there is enough loaner garb to go around.  I am appealing to all members of the populace that will be attending to bring extra garb for our guests.  Not necessarily meaning items to permanently donate so much as things you wouldnt mind letting someone else borrow for a few hours.  I will be co-ordinating the loaner garb the day of the event as Baroness Emma will be busy autocratting.  Please send me know if you can help.  
Yours in ServiceLady Caitilin Irruis inghen ui RiadaDeputy Chatelaine

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