[Ponte Alto] Pennsic XL

Drogo Dragonara drogod at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 12:08:22 PDT 2011

Greeting unto the Barony!

Pennsic X-tra Large is now just a memory, but what a memory!  Most of
the "stuff" is cleaned and put away now and we have been back at work
leaving the fun of hanging with close to 12,000 of our crazy friends
behind Us.

A great time was had by many!  There was a lot of fighting, shooting,
throwing, dancing, service, shopping, classes, A&S displays, eating,
visiting, parties... and the list goes on.  For those who couldn't
come you were missed, and for those We didn't see We hope you had as
much fun as we did.

I would like to thank all the rapier and heavy fighters who came out
on the field to fight with the Barony, your company was appreciated,
we killed many and I can't wait until we can do it again!

Her Excellency had a great deal of fun shooting war points with the
Barony and the Kingdom and would also like to thank those who came out
to help.

For those who volunteered their time helping with events, troll,
safety patrol and all the other volunteer activities, We, the Kingdom
and Pennsic staff thank you.  Pennsic (and the SCA) would not be the
great time and pretty smooth working organization it is without your
tireless help and self sacrifice - this event takes up a lot of folks
vacation time and volunteering your hard won vacation hours is truly
special.  Please remember, when you see folks doing great things or
helping out (especially behind the scenes) please let us know so We
can recognize them and sing their praises.

Speaking of awards, the following achievements were recognized at the war:

1) Wayne the Bruce received the order of the Hippocampus from Her
Majesty for his water bearing efforts on the both the heavy and rapier
fields during the war.  He also received a Bead of Ponte Alto for his
good works.  (as a side note, he also took 2nd place at the youth
rapier tournament - go Wayne!)

2) Lady Elisande Walters received the Onore del Ponte d'Oro.

3) Guenievre of Ponte Alto received the Onore del Ponte di Fero.

4) Simon Grimston received the Onore del Ponte di Fero.

5) Mark McGroine received the Onore del Ponte d'Oro.

6) Lady Sophia van der Werken received a Bead of Ponte Alto for her good works.

The winner of the Baronial Brewer Competition was announced and
Aveline Scargill won for her Apple Cyser received a rousing round of
applause.  Honorable Mention was given to Rayhana bint Yusuf for her
Buckwheat Mead.

We would also like to thank Our Champions who acquitted themselves
admirably during the war, We are very proud to have each of you
representing Ponte Alto to the known world!

We hope to see many of you at the Atlantian 30 year celebration at Montpelier
(11407 Constitution Highway, Montpelier Station, VA 22957) out near
Culpeper (about 1.5-2 hours depending on where you start from and the
daily construction lotto for you).  It should be a fun time for all!


Drogo and Adina
Barone e la Baronessa di Ponte Alto

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