[Ponte Alto] FW: [Announcements] Letter from the Chair of the Board of Directors

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 19 08:15:25 PDT 2011


Katharine Devereaux

Kingdom of Atlantia

From: janefalada at hotmail.com
To: announcements at sca.org
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2011 10:02:00 -0500
Subject: [Announcements] Letter from the Chair of the Board of Directors

Greetings!  I have just returned home from Pennsic XL,
the first Pennsic I have had the pleasure to attend.  There was no way to talk directly to the
11,000+ people in attendance, so this missive is an attempt to communicate out
to more participants.


Several Directors, Corporate Officers
and Society Officers held a Meet ‘n Greet at Pennsic and many of the topics and
questions raised were related to communications, both to and from the corporate
and society levels.  In our current
information age of instant and abundant communication options, the pressure
placed upon volunteers to meet the ‘information demand’ is great.  No single communication method can reach all
the participants in our organization, however, compounding the difficulty.  Some members may not read the kingdom
newsletters, some have no access to the Internet, and others want the personal
touch of phone or in-person communications. 
We are committed to providing as many opportunities as possible for
face-to-face communications, with Meet’n Greets at major wars, attendance at as
many local events as possible, and the quarterly public Board meetings.  We urge you to attend the Board meetings,
seek out Board members at local events and major wars, and email, phone or
write your Ombudsman with any concerns you may have.  We’ll do our best to respond to all your
correspondence in a reasonable amount of time.


I’d like to address a couple of
issues that were discussed at the Pennsic Meet ‘n Greet.  The move to electronic newsletters was
primarily a business decision made to ensure the fiscal solvency of the SCA as
an organization.  The decision to retain
an option for paper newsletters for those who wish it was made specifically so
that those who do not have readily available Internet access or who choose not
to get their information that way can still be informed.  As the number of newsletters printed on paper
diminishes, the cost per printed copy increases, so consolidating the printing
of the hardcopy newsletters to gain the largest possible copy count is the best
option financially.  That does require
that all hardcopy newsletters follow a set physical format, with the content
specific to each Kingdom.  Kingdom
Chroniclers will continue to have a vital role in ensuring that correct
information is communicated out to their Kingdoms, whether it be electronically
or hardcopy.


The SCA Census that was taken
last year was a concerted effort by the Board, Society and Corporate Officers
to gather information and communication from the participants in the SCA on a
wide range of topics related to our organization.  The purpose of the census data is to provide
the Society and Corporate levels the ability to be responsive to the participants
as we navigate through a difficult economy in our external, modern society.  I’d like to express the Board’s deep
appreciation for the volunteers on the Census Committee.  The Census Committee is a group of volunteers
that have committed hundreds of hours of their time to develop the census, and
now, to extract and validate the data so that the most relevant and usable
information is available to all of us. 
The Committee’s goal is to release, upon the Board’s approval, validated
sets of data each quarter.  Gathering the
data is the first step, interpreting and utilizing that data to make the best
decisions for the organization as a whole is the next challenge. Any and all
input from participants regarding the topics contained within the census is
critical to this process. 

I listened to many opinions while
I was at Pennsic, as I (and the rest of the Board) do at all
events/gatherings/fighter practices we attend. 
We all want to hear your opinions, in person or through Comments at sca.org; or through email or
letters to Officers and/or Ombudsmen.  We
are participants in the SCA as well as volunteers for the administration and
stewardship of our organization, and we look forward to hearing from everyone.
Please help us stay informed.


Leslie Vaughn

Chairman, Board of Directors, SCA, Inc.


Chairman Leslie Vaughn aka Baronessa Isabeau della

602 758 0079 /  lvaughn at director.sca.org

Ombudsman for: President, Society Seneschal, Corporate
Office, Legal Committee, Executive Assistant


Vice-Chairman Mark Faulcon aka Duke Martin Lochner

407-826-1492 / mfaulcon at director.sca.org

Ombudsman for: Æthelmearc, East, Information Technology,


Director John Fulton aka Duke John the Bearkiller

901-452-9881 / jfulton at directors.sca.org

Ombudsman for: Marshal, Publications


Director Denise Hundley aka Countess Denise Duvalier

703-868-7880 / dhundley at directors.sca.org

Ombudsman for: An Tir, Census Initiative, Ealdormere, Grand
Council, Grants Committee, Northshield


Director Tim Jennings aka Master Garraed Galbraith


tjennings at director.sca.org

Ombudsman for: A&S, Artemesia, Atenveldt, Board
Recruiting, Caid, Heralds, West


Director Kim McAuley aka Viscountess Kaellyn mac Dermott

905-542-0421 / kmcauley at director.sca.org

Ombudsman for: Calontir, Chirurgeon, Financial Officers,


Director Mitchell Steck aka Master Ljotr Einarsson

250-542-6988 / msteck at director.sca.org

Ombudsman for: Ansteorra, Atlantia, Drachenwald, Gleann
Abhann, Lochac, Meridies, Trimaris


Director-Elect Lisa A. May aka Countess Margaret ni Conner

lmay at director.sca.org
/ 214-384-3997


Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email comments at lists.sca.org.

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

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