[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Moo] Official Archery Practice Canceled

Michael C. Emrich milesdelocwode at cox.net
Sun Mar 7 18:26:17 PST 2010

For All,
All official SCA archery within the Barony is halted until such time as we
can get a wavier for Bull Run.  We are still trying to determine if waviers
are required to hold practice at our outdoor site or at Prince Williams
Forest Park.  If they too require a wavier and one can not be granted, we
will not be shooting much in the way of archery within the Barony.


From: ponte-alto-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:ponte-alto-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of Flora
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 12:25 PM
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Moo] Official Archery Practice Canceled

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <lady_esperanza at cox.net>
Date: Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:21 PM
Subject: [Moo] Official Archery Practice Canceled
To: Moo at lists.stierbach.org

Since Enequy was not going to be able to attend Archery Practice tonight. I
am taking it upon myself to cancel Stierbachs Official Archery Practice.

Due to a rule change that went into affect as of the March Acorn the Bull
Run Shooting Center in Centerville can not be used for an official practice
site unless we have a written waiver. The Atlantian Kingdom Archery Marshal
will need to give us a written waiver to use the range as it does not comply
with the new rule.

The Bull Run Shooting Center is a public archery range, and as a private
citizen anyone can shoot there, but until we get the waiver we will not be
shooting as the SCA. Since it is not an official practice the scores for the
Winter Challenge might not be able to be put in, it is being checked into.

As a private citizen I plan on being there tonight.

Esperanza Susanna Flecha
Seneschal (who also doubles as an Archery Marshal)

Moo mailing list
Moo at lists.stierbach.org

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