[Ponte Alto] Feb/Mar Il Tempo is up online. :)

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 9 18:35:13 PST 2010

Greetings Ponte Alto,
The Feb/Mar issue of the Il Tempo is up on the Web. So go read it and tell me what you think. There are some new visual elements and some changes that I hope you will like. 
Now that we're caught up we've got the March/April issue coming to you next month, and I hope many of you will have ideas for it. Look at what we're doing and think about what March means to you. Is it St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath, St Patricks Day or something else entirely. Did you have an art you wanted to highlight or a tidbit of history you know something about Email it to me. Send me your ideas or help me out by writing an article or scetching a picture. I'm not picky, i want to highlight this Barony's talents. If nothing else tell me what you'd like to see in the coming year. AND don't forget if you send in an aritcle or photo or artwork i need your permission in writing or in an email that say i can use it for publication in the Il Tempo. 
Thanks you for all your ideas in advance.
Chronicler, Ponte Alto
Baroness Marie-Therese Normand

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